
More Info About ICO

ICO NamedFund
Start DateMay 05, 2021
End DateMay 05, 2021
3 years ago

dFund is a revolutionary all-encompassing DeFi platforms which combines multiple advanced DeFi features such as decentralized hedge funds, direct p2p lending, credit scores, and a secondary marketplace for synthetic assets such as loans where debt can be bought and sold, as well as funding proposals, into one user-friendly and easy to use platform, while also providing things that have never been seen in DeFi before, such as under and over collateralized loans. Every user on the platform will be able to create and manage their own hedge fund, and invest in one, as well as lend or borrow money in a completely decentralized, automated and trustless way. This brings not only features that have mostly been reserved for legacy finance to the crypto space, but also an unparalleled level of security as everything is powered by smart contracts and hence completely automated, which eliminates the possibility of fraud and/or scams.


⚡️ dFund Community,

The beta of our p2p decentralized crypto loans platform is now live, after months of quiet but intensive work!

You can register to join the beta by filling out the form:

PS. The beta is on testnet so there is no risk to your funds.

The recession and bear market present an opportunity for projects like dFund to stand out as recession gems by building and working hard, in contrast of a plethora of capitulated projects.

#RecessionGems #dFund $DFND #DFND

Dear dFund community! ⚡

Here is a recent Dev Progress report by one of our lead devs working on the Loan Platform, Outlining and explaining the progress with the Loan Platform.

We are very close to the Beta launch now!

Stay tuned for more updates.

Dear dFund community! ⚡️

Here is a new instalment of the Dev diary! It talks about many areas where the team made significant coding progress!

We will start onboarding select dFund community members as closed beta testers soon!

Here is the new Dev diary! It talks about the recent work our coders have put in to bring dFund closer to the launch of our P2P loans platform!

We will also begin to onboard some community members for beta testing soon, so stay tuned!

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